Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday February 26, 2010
CHADS2 Score

Several risk factor assessment algorithms have been developed to aid the clinician in decision-making regarding anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation. The CHADS2 index (Cardiac failure, Diabetes, Stroke [or S2 = TIA]) is the most widely used of these algorithms. The CHADS2 index uses a point system to determine yearly thromboembolic risk. Two points are assigned for a history of stroke or TIA, and one point is given for age over 75 or a history of hypertension, diabetes, or heart failure. High scores were associated with an increased rate of stroke.

CHF Hx = +1

HTN Hx = +1

Age 75 or above = +1

Diabetes Mellitus Hx = +1

Stroke previously or TIA Hx = +2

Warfarin is recommended for score 2 and above